What Does It Take to Understand You're at Fault?

I recently met up with someone in one of my college classes over this weekend. Don't know him, just recognized him and chatted for about a minute. The conversation was about the test that we'd had in the class a day earlier. This guy is always talking about how he's been in college for many years and is still having to retake classes because he's been failing them, and sure enough he tells me about his latest escapade. Apparently he was up all night the night before the test drinking and having sex with some chick, multiple times he tells me, and because of this, most likely did not do very well on the test. You know what the ironic thing about this whole story is? The class is a philosophy class, and what we're studying is Plato, namely Plato's theory of human nature. Now if you don't know, Plato believed that the soul had three parts, the Appetitive, the Spiritual, and Reason. He believed that to lead a good life, a person must control their appetitive a...