An Inquiry into Gaining Schedule Equilibrium

It is often the case that we end up becoming so involved with something that it becomes part of our lifestyle. And this particular thing becomes so engrained within us that to think ourselves without it would be absurd. This is because as humans, as part of life, we have a knack for adaptation. We adapt to things in such a way as to do things with the utmost of efficiency. It is a hinderance for survival if the mind and body have to do extra work. So we find ourselves getting "schedulized." We have a certain way of doing things at certain times. Is there a problem with this fact? No. There is nothing wrong with keeping to a schedule. Some of the greatest things one can get out of life require a constant "chipping away," a constistency. Knowledge, Strength, Relationships; these things all require "putting in your time" so to speak and sometimes that means getting schedulized. It may mean setting a time out of the day to read a book, visit the g...