What is Perspective?

Perspective is a word that can be used in many different ways. This is because the idea of perspective itself can deal with the greatest of objects to the most miniscule. It deals with not only the senses, but the realm of ideas, philosophy, attitude, perception, and values. The idea of perspective is also relational, as it deals with a person's or people's outlook upon the world. What is perspective, then? It's the way by which a person makes sense of the "world." As a young child's conciousness grows, the ability to percieve grows, and the ability to be cognitive of this perception grows. This growth, however, occurs within the child's present experience. His perspective cannot grow beyond his ability to percieve. The fact remains though that each person has a different perspective. This is true because each person experiences in differing, although perhaps minute, ways. This can be extremely advantageous. Because of the fact that our p...